Episode 010 We are MORE GERMS than Human Jul 22, 2023

Say what?  Of the 70 -100 trillion cells in your body, less than half (30million) are human cells. 

What else are we?  GERMS (microbes) - bacteria, fungi, viruses. 

It's estimated that 37 trillion cells are bacteria alone. 

What the heck are they doing in our...

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Episode 009 Feeling BLAH about life? or Feel like your drowning? Feb 08, 2023

Do you wake up dreading the day ahead?  Do you wish you could just pull the covers over your head and stay curled up?

Do your kids live in fear, anticipating your next angry outburst?  Or are you exhausted from yelling and screaming with your teenagers?  Do you always...

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Episode 008 Medication Buys You Time, It Doesn't Resolve the Issue Jan 15, 2023
Episode 008
Can you do all the right things, eat well, exercise and still get sick - yes!  Although another key aspect to being healthy or sick, that is often overlooked, is your thoughts - stress, your emotional health and mindset - is life beautiful and supportive or does life suck...
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Episode 007 Only one thing is certain...We Will All Die Jan 09, 2023

Episode 007

Everyone dies (in this lifetime). It's not if, but when. The Circle of Life. Yet, we are so afraid of death. Why? Is it the unknown of death? Do you need to stay alive to take care of your kids? Is it because you are afraid of the pain and suffering? 

If you're young (or have...

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Episode 006 If You Don't Clear Your Dryer Vent and Lint Screen, What Happens? Dec 29, 2022

Episode 006

Have you ever forgotten to clear your lint screen? What happened?  Did it take longer for your clothes to dry?  Maybe your clothes didn't dry completely.

If you don't clear your dryer vent, what happens?  First, your clothes won't dry, as well. 

One time, we...

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Episode 005 C@ncer, Stroke Joint Pain, Sick cancer defense dna immune system inflammation joint pain llv sick stroke Dec 20, 2022

Episode 005

Does it seems like there's been an explosion of people getting sick (and finding it really hard to recover), being diagnosed with cancer, experiencing knee, hip and shoulder problems, having strokes and heart attacks and going to funerals?

On Monday, at work, I was asked what...

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Episode 004 Blood Sugar Spikes...Why They Matter? Sep 28, 2022
Episode 004 
What goes up, must come down. Like a rollercoaster, the higher the peak, the lower the dip. What happens when your blood sugar dips? You get sleepy. It's so difficult to focus, you reach for sugar and caffeine - anything to wake you up!
At the peak of your blood...
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Episode 003 The US spends twice as much on Medical Care. Are we healthier? Sep 26, 2022

Episode 003

In the U.S., we spend almost $4 trillion a year on medical care, double the average of what other wealthy countries pay.  Are we healthier for it?

Why Is U.S. Healthcare So Expensive Compared to Other Countries?

The U.S. healthcare system is largely private and for-profit,...

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Episode 002 What is your Health Philosophy? Apr 20, 2022

Episode 002

Have you ever had to make a life or death decision for yourself or a family member during a health crisis?  It sucks, doesn't it.  Worse yet, have you had to make a decision for a parent and you and our siblings can't agree.  Ugh.  What if spending a little...

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Episode 001 What is Health and Wellness? diagnosis health health philosophy rash wellness Mar 19, 2022

Episode 001

"What is health and wellness?"  This questions popped into my head after the amazing conversations during our last One Drop Heals class on Eczema, Psoriasis and Rash. 

If you have a chronic rash but aren't "diagnosed" with anything - not diabetic, Liver numbers are...

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